What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair loss, also known as alopecia, which has been known to be a trademark of old men, is now prevalent among younger generations including females. Recent research says the number of people who have received hair loss treatment over the last decade has increased by more than threefold. The data also shows that the majority of those people were in their 20-30s. Hair loss has now become a concern for men, women, and children.

Alopecia is loss of hair from the scalp or body, causing a gradual decline in overall density. Thinning hair is a common symptom seen before hair loss. There are many reasons that cause alopecia such as hormonal imbalance, irregular diet, stress, fungal infection, compulsive pulling and many more. However, genes are the largest factor in hair loss.

Healthy hair has a cycle of growth period for 3 – 5 years and then 3 – 4 months of resting period during which the actual hair falls out, followed by the growth period again. However, due to many causes, some of which are listed above, healthy hair follicular cycle is interrupted, causing a premature shedding of hair that has not fully matured. In some cases, the follicle never returns back to the growth period from its resting state. The focal point in treating alopecia is restoring the hair follicle and recovering the healthy cycle.

Hair loss is not only caused by scalp conditions but also by a combination of genetic issues and balance of the body. In the Oriental medicine approach, we focus on correcting the imbalances of the body which act as an engine causing hair loss, and we provide optimal conditions for hair growth using acupuncture and herbal medicine. A common mistake seen outside of our DAMO clinic is that most hair loss treatments focus on scalp care while the root of the problem is actually located far from it.

It is hard to completely eliminate the causes of the hair loss but it can be slowed down and improved as well with proper care. It is important to find out the current condition of your hair and hair follicles. If you suffer from hair loss, you should get diagnosed by a professional and start appropriate treatment. Treatment will be more beneficial if it is customized on your stage of the hair loss.

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